How does hair transplantation work Hair transplantation is a natural and permanent solution to the problem of thinning and baldness in people with hair loss or alopecia. In areas where the hair follicle is no longer active, where hair loss occurs, the process of transplanting healthy hair follicles using microsurgical methods is called hair transplantation. The patient's own healthy hair is added to the area that is shed in the hair transplant. The hair transplantation is planned and performed individually. In hair transplantation, the hair loss resistant hair roots are usually collected in the neck area of the patient and planted into the canals that open in the thinned or completely shed parts. The aim; it will not be clear that seeding is done in the head area to get a permanent hairy look. Hair transplantation is actually a minor surgical operation. For this reason, the safest way to do it is in a hospital setting by experienced and skilled doctors and teams. With the use of hair transplantation, the person will get permanent hair as if your own hair never fell out. Our aim with hair transplant; to restore the appearance of natural hair to the person in a comfortable way with modern medical applications.
Who can hair transplantation be used for?
Today, almost 50 percent of men above 50 years of age face the problem of hair loss. Therefore, hair transplantation is the most commonly used cosmetic surgery for men. Hair loss is not only a male condition. Many women also have problems with hair loss or sparseness.
Why is there hair loss?
One of the main causes of hair loss is genetic coding, but it can also occur after age, traumatic injury or as a result of various medical conditions. After diagnosis by medical control, the donor field is successfully administered to all people with sufficient hair follicles.
Not only the scalp, but also all body hair such as eyebrows, moustache or beard can be successfully applied. How does hair transplantation work.
How is hair transplantation performed?
In practice, hair roots are usually transplanted from the back of the neck into the target area without hair. These hair roots are called grafts. Rarely, in some cases, there is not enough density of healthy hair in the neck or temple area of the person. In such cases, the hair follicle can be removed from other areas of the person that contain hair, such as the arms or chest wall. The application is done in a few hours, depending on the amount of hair loss. If the hairless area is too large, several sessions may be needed to complete the treatment.
Usually the procedure is done under local anaesthetic with sedation. After the hair transplant, a special bandage is applied to the head. The person is discharged after 1-2 hours. Even though there are very few, you will be controlled with painkillers. Usually you can return to work with your head closed after 3 days home rest. First bandage to be made 5th day. How does hair transplantation work.